Our approach
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues present risks and opportunities that have the potential to impact investment returns. We will consider ESG factors in our investment decision making where it is appropriate.
Our Responsible Investment Framework includes the assessment of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations when selecting, retaining, or redeeming the investments of BUSSQ. Our broad investment objective is to maximise investment returns, after considering the risks associated with various types of investments. ESG considerations are one of several factors that form part of the risk assessment when appointing external investment managers or investment strategies.
We consider the overall cost, risk, and opportunity of a decision, against the benefits of the expected outcome.
ESG considerations include (but are not limited to) the consideration of climate change, human capital management and labour standards (including modern slavery in our supply chain), and governance practices (including transparent reporting) as part of this framework.
Some of our assets are invested in pooled funds and therefore, the responsible investment decision making is determined by the investment managers of those funds, with us advising our views and preferences where we consider this to be appropriate. We will otherwise rely on the managers to take ESG risks into account as they consider appropriate.
Appointing and monitoring investment managers
When appointing investment managers, we work with our investment advisor to assess the extent to which the manager integrates ESG issues into its decision-making processes. This forms one part of the overall suitability assessment of the investment manager.
Ongoing monitoring of our investment managers includes consideration of (but not limited to) investment performance, adherence to style/process, ESG integration and risk management. Any issues that arise, including significant changes or inaction on a manager’s behalf, may impact our overall assessment of that manager. This is formally assessed as part of our investment advisor’s overall annual review of investment managers with ESG considerations tabled for regular discussions with our investment managers.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
We incorporate the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)1 into our investment decision making process as part of our ESG considerations. The UN SDGs are global goals to provide a better quality of life and more sustainable future for everyone across the globe. They cover social and economic development issues such as poverty, health, education, climate change, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable clean energy, urbanisation, and social justice.
We have selected the below UN SDGs for investments consideration as they align broadly to the building and construction industries.
More information on the UN SDGs can be found on the UNSDG website.